Friday, November 26, 2010

News: Dr. Willaims Meeting

I have a MRI on November 2010. This is the first time we have had a MRI since the Cyber-Knife Treatment. My speech is geeting better. One of the things I was able to go, is to create some slides from Dr. Williams. I had a CyberKnife Radiosurgery (SATNDFORD hospitial and Clinics). I gave a copy to Dr. Williams was going to add it the his web site. There are showing below.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Brain and tumor: News 2

8/25/10 News What is happening? Tumor and Brain

I am feeling a better now. It is funnier that in my hand I know what to say, but I can not only saying it correctly, yet. There were great things that happen.

Georgiann supports me and loves the plants.

This year many people well help me the Rehab (Physical, Occupational and Speech). The Speech-Language Pathologist, Karen, and two people help me in the front office will in the Sentara Obici Hospital.

Since I remember home, we have Turkeys in my yard.
Turkey in my yard (small one and big Turkeys)

The first cat, she left us about 2 years ago.

We now have two cats and they are about one year old. The first are the kittens when we got them. The next picture is the cats having fun.

CyberKnife Radiation

I have completed the CyberKnife radiation treatments. I had three (3) radiation treatments. Recovery will last for 4-6 weeks.

Before the CyberKnife radiation treatments, my speech was improving. But since then, my speech needs some more work and it is improving. I can also write emails again.

In the next 6 months there will be a MRI to assess the tumor.

Is the tumor still there?
Did radiation kill the tumor?
What is next?

Section 1.2 Early Days of Recovery

I will write parts of the section 1.2 and most of the work was done by Georgiann.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

1.2 Early Days of Recovery

This section has been long in publishing due to the fact that I have recently had radiation treatment which has made me take a step backward in my speech abilities but everyday I am improving.

I was in the early days of recovery; I do NOT know what was happening, but I do remember some things.

I know that I had staples through my head. Georgiann wrote a daily diary of this brain tumor recovery.

Tony and Kathy were there around 9am in Day 2. It want good to see them.

Georgiann told me, “Jim wants control of the TV remote”.

I remember the Physical, occupational, and speech rehab.

They were able meet.
  • Going to the bathroom
  • Brushing teeth
  • Eating with a fork
  • Dr. Gurther – Aphasia – This is an inability to communicate.

    Georgiann said:
  • Not the best patient
  • I was angry at her
  • He wants to do things for himself.

    I do remember going to the ninth floor.

    I do remember the Rehab in Sentara.
  • Words
  • Physical
  • Bike

    I also remember some of my visitors:
  • Larry (ODU)
  • Dick (ODU)
  • Eileen (ODU)
  • Liz (ODU)
  • Jim L
  • Ray
  • Earl

    I also remember the:
  • Big Basket of fruits/flowers from SAIC
  • Flowers from GATS
  • All the cards from everybody

    I know about some of the things but she also writes many that I do not remember.

    Georgiann’s Diary

    · Day 2 of Recovery April 25

    Gauze bandages are removed to reveal big metal staples in incision area.

    He still has a BIG purple eye. Jim’s speech still very limited, but I am glad he can even talk at this point. Nurse in ICU says she sees improvement. I guess she can see differences I don’t see. His words consist of Yes, no, okay and he can laugh.

    More Vicodin for the pain.

    I know he is okay because he wants control of the TV remote!!

    Dr. Petra Gurtner orders Physical, Occupational and Speech Therapies to begin soon.

    The catheter has been removed and now has a “Pee Container” hanging on the side of his bed. I keep asking Jim if he has to pee cause I don’t want to see an “accident” (wet bed) happen.

    · Day 3 of Recovery April 26

    Tony, Jim’s brother is already at the hospital since he is the early riser. His wife, Kathy and I (Georgiann, Jim’s wife) arrive as early as we can. Our usual arrival is 9:00 am or so since tunnel traffic is so bad in the morning.

    The swelling has gone way down and he has improved greatly since yesterday.
    Occupational and Physical Therapists came to see Jim today. I am learning so much about Medical staff. Occupational therapy helps one to relearn the everyday things we do…going to the restroom, brushing teeth, eating with a fork… The Physical therapist aids him with the mobile attributes of our body. Moving the legs, walking, and exercise getting muscles back in shape. Occupational therapist instructs
    Jim to feed himself today, best he can
    and the Physical therapist helps him walk down the hallway, then sit down in a chair.

    Dr. Gurtner comes in and teaches me how to work with Jim. She informs me he has Aphasia the inability to communicate. He can think what he wants to say, but does not have the ability to say what he wants to say. She tells me that I am his best speech therapist.

    Little did I know how many “hats” I would wear in my life.
    The use of library books with pictures and my speaking the words and asking him to repeat will help to reconstruct the neurons in his brain. Jim is not the best patient for this. He is so frustrated and shows anger at me. He wants to do things for himself. But I persevere. I am so happy about his improvement.

    · Day 4 of Recovery April 27

    Sleepy, sleepy Jim.

    Nurse said he did not sleep well last night. Very few words today.

    Dr. Rodrigue is in this morning. She said he is exhausted. She said small blood vessels in the brain need time to heal. Don’t know how long.

    Poor Jim is very constipated. The nurse has given him an enema, prune juice and still no progress. Jim moans with pain. I hope he poops soon.

    Tony said the therapist for speech came in today for a quick evaluation and a person from Rehabilitation came in to see what needs Jim has.

    Doctor moving Jim to a regular room today when a bed becomes available.
    He is past the critical point now. I am so happy.
    He will get more rest in a quieter environment.

    Today Jim shows me lots of affection with kisses.

    He constantly is touching my hands and arms.

    · Day 5 of Recovery April 28

    Today is so wonderful. Jim had a bad day yesterday.

    Later in the day he was in pain because the Doctor finally realized he had to urinate. Jim’s prostrate gland was very enlarged and prohibited him to urinate. PAIN, very bad pain but really Jim unable to tell us what was wrong. He was catheterized and went to sleep. Finally was moved to a regular room at 2:00 am.

    Upon seeing Jim this morning he was sitting in a chair in his new room. He is looking very good today. He says more words and small sentences.

    He has already had physical and occupational therapy this morning and he told Tony that he had fun. I went home at 5:30 or so. The tunnel traffic is so bad at this time of the evening.

    When I finally did get home, Jim called me on my cell phone. He told me he called to say “I love you.” I was so happy. I know he is getting better.

    · Day 6 of Recovery April 28

    Jim is reading the signs on the walls because he is repeating the phrases. Several small words are added to his vocabulary. It appears he knows how to tell time also. Doctor from Rehabilitation came in and evaluated Jim. He said Jim was fast tracked to Rehab and would go there soon. That is the Ninth Floor… which is the floor just before you go home. I need to bring clothes.

    · Day 7 of Recovery April 29

    Jim is in his new room on the Ninth Floor in Rehabilitation.

    He is getting a real work out physically—walking and various exercises. He is taking “cat naps” between all the nurses, doctors, therapists.

    Dr. King visited. We learn he is from Jamaica. He is so very nice and Jim really likes him a lot. Dr. King says Jim has no heart problems, just an enlarged prostrate right now. Flomax is prescribed to relieve and to help the urine to flow by itself. They still check the bladder every 4 hours. Jim still has head pain and takes Vicodin every 4-6 hours. It appears he will be here at least another week.

    Dr. Rodrigue the neurosurgeon will be in to talk to us at 5:30.

    · Day 8 of Recovery April 30

    This morning Jim’s eye is beginning to close up again. The fluid has drained down from his head and into lower left side of his head.

    Dr. King called for a CAT Scan. Everything is OK. Dr. King actually says the brain looks better.

    This morning Jim is “pissed”, because he thought the nurses were giving him the wrong medicine all night. I tried to reassure Jim that they were the correct meds, but only after he heard it from Dr. King would he stop complaining about this.

    Jim had lots of activity today with a volleyball game. Of course, not the traditional game but an easy one played with a giant beach ball bounced back and forth by other patients. He was the server and his team won! He exercised on a bike that feet and handle bar move like a bicycle. He is very tired and told me and Kathy to go home at 6:00.

    · May 3, 2009

    Jim’s eye has swollen up again and he is a bit depressed when he saw his eye.
    I talked with Dr. Gurtner and she assures us it will return to normal and if later the fluid does not go down they may have to put a shunt in to help drain the excess spinal fluid that may be collecting in his brain.

    Jim is moving around the hallways in a wheelchair by himself. He did not want to do any exercises with me. Kathy went back to Maryland at 1:30.

    She and Tony have been a Blessing to Jim and me.

    Jim needs more pain medication and can hardly speak without having it in his system. His prostrate still is enlarged and prohibits flow. The catheter has been in place for a few days now collecting bodily fluid. Alice, my sister notices pus collecting at the surgery site on his head. I ask for a doctor to check this.

    So far, Larry Atkinson and Dick Zimmerman from ODU have been to visit other than the usual Alice, Kathy, Tony, Rick and myself. Flowers arrive from GATS and a big basket of fruit/flowers from SAIC.

    • Thank you so much!!

      Saturday, August 7, 2010

      What is happening? Tumor and Brain: News

      What is happening? Tumor and Brain: News: "NEWS 8/7/10 I will post some information in the section (I hope it works). Then I were to this blog. I am Georgiann, Jim’s wife and I am w..."


      NEWS 8/7/10

      I will post some information in the section (I hope it works). Then I were to this blog.
      I am Georgiann, Jim’s wife and I am writing this letter per Jim’s instructions due to the fact that Jim is unable at this time to communicate all this information intelligently. Thank you!

      (There are four shapes leaves)

      On April 23 ,2009 we unfortunately discovered that Jim had a brain tumor. It was determined that he had a massive left convexity meningioma with infiltration into the Sylvian fissure and severe cerebral edema. He underwent a 16 hour surgery preformed by neurosurgeon, Dr. Tina Rodrigue for total gross resection of the tumor.

      Pathology demonstrated this to be a Grade III meningioma and there was obvious parasitization of the surface blood vessels by the tumor.

      He was left with Aphasia and approximately 2 weeks after the surgery he was found to have an infection of the bone flap.

      Surgery took place at this time to remove the bone (left half of skull) and to undergo several weeks of antibiotics.

      September 2009 Jim had additional surgery for reconstructive cranioplasty with ventriculoperitoneal shunt placement. He now bears an artificial skull with little facial complications.

      Due to brain evaluations every six months the June 2010 MRI determined a brain tumor was visible behind the left eye.

      This required somewhat immediate action. An appointment with a highly qualified radiation oncologist, Dr. Scott Williams decided to use the Cyberknife, one of the newest methods of eradicating or shrinking of malignant tumors.

      (Today is the first CyberKnife Treatment at Senara.)

      Jim has undergone three sessions of this radiation treatment all within one weeks time. At this time he is on a steroid called Decadron which has played havoc with his mind and body. Currently the drug prohibits clear thinking. He feels he is getting better now that he is being weaned off this drug. He will probably experience fatigue for the next 4-6 weeks as we await the next MRI this Fall to determine the Cyberknife’s success.

      As Jim has recovered and continues to gain back his life, he is in the process of writing a Blog which has been posted and still is an ongoing project for Jim.

      Wednesday, June 30, 2010

      Section 1.1 Recover from Brain Surgery

      Section 1.1 Recover from Brain Surgery

      Four days before the Brain Surgery, I do NOT remember anything that had happen.

      But my wife has told me I can commutate while her and other friends. After talking with friends I did a lot of talking.

      Tony and Kathy have some comments. Sometime before the surgery I talked with Tony. I do NOT remember him talking to me in ICU.

      Kathy and Tony: When we first heard about Jim

      "Between the appt and Borders I called home to update Tony and he told me that Georgiann had left a message on the machine. He said it mentioned something about Jim and a brain tumor and his brain stopped processing the rest of the message. He was afraid to try and listen again because he didn't want to delete the message by mistake. Once we replayed it we heard that Jim was in Norfolk General Hospital.

      Tony had tried the house phone but there was no answer. Once I got home we found the hospital number and found that he was in NICU. Tony decided to try Jim's phone thinking that George would possibly pick up. He was quite pleasantly surprised when

      Jim answered the phone. That made us feel a whole lot better - some of his words weren't quite right but Tony felt better talking to him.

      We found out that surgery would be Thursday and we let them know that we would be arriving on Wednesday evening. And so began a journey where we would learn more then we ever wanted to know about how the brain works - and bring blessings galore!"

      These are some thoughts about which I thing are happening during surgery. Between the per-surgery days and me waking up from the surgery I have three instances I will describe in this blog.I had some thoughts about which are going on. I know when I remember them, but bring the surgery and me waking up. These are the four times I will describe.

      1. Dead
      2. Submarine in the Ocean
      3. ICU care nurse

        1. Dead
        During my stay in ICU in an unconscious state or simply, I don’t know if I dead or alive.
        In my mind, I must answer the question:

        “Are you alive or dead?”

        As you still in bed, your mind will wonder very hand.

        I remember lying on the bed as I thought I was DEAD.

        Is it maybe surgery?

        In my mind, there were many closed doors.

        We went to another room. I thought the place was a long way from surgery and that there was no one here. I am alone. This was the end.

        But, the bed was moved.

        How did some one find me?

        Where are they taking me?

        Then I hear the ICU Nurse say something. I do not know what she was talking about.

        They I asked myself, Am I dead or alive?

        I do remember going through many closed done again. Once again the bed went through many closed doors again.

        I thought things were better!

        I was not DEAD and I want to be ALIVE!!

        2. Submarine in the Ocean
        There is a large submarine and it is a lot like a space craft. The submarine was like a star-like body and it was submerged in the ocean and into the sand.

        The submarine station is a place next to the hospital. We talk on the submarine to get food for the hospital.

        I did not know what they were but I recall it was crabs and flounder. This is interesting, but I can NOT eat crabs.

        As the end, we sailed back. I did not remember any of the getting of often the submarine.

        I guess I got off the submarine at the end?

        Before we left, the Head ICU Nurse was on the something like a phone or a computer? Who knows what he was doing, but they went to the ocean for food.

        I knew that other people were around for me, and the ICU Nurses doing “SOMETHING” in the work for me.

        As part of an article, I had an Oil Spill report in my Speech Rehab in the Gulf of Mexico. Part of the report is Deepwater Horizon oil spill. They were used Semi-submersible rigs make stable platforms for drilling for offshore oil and gas. The oil spill happen is April 2010. Do I have a “visioning” in April 2009? Is this a something I knew about a year before it occurred?

        3. ICU Care Nurse

        This is an ICU Nurse that I meet at my second surgery, and she told me that she was there for the Brain Surgery. She said me to name, but I do not remember name. This is a “Thank You” for caring for me.

        I do not remember Tony and Kathy when I getting for Brain Surgery. But reading this is for very is interesting.

        Tony and Kathy “Our First Glimpse of Jim Prior to the Initial Surgery”.

        We arrived Wednesday evening (April 22nd) and were able to see Jim and Georgiann. Luckily the Neuro ICU allowed more then two in the room and was quite lax with regards to the visiting hours.

        Jim was alert and talking but not quite on the mark with his words and thought processes.

        Little Tony had called and talked to him for a minute or two and wished him luck but he couldn't really make out what Jim was saying.

        That night Tony found out that him and Jim's brother Rick had already been and left but he would be back the next day. There is always a blessing hidden somewhere and this was one of them - Tony had not seen his brother Rick in 35 years or more. We went home with George when it was time to leave the hospital - had a much needed drink or two and then got some sleep as we would need to be up early to get back to the hospital to see Jim prior to surgery.

        Thursday, April 23 Day of Surgery

        As I started before, I do NOT know about this. This is blog notes Georgiann, Kathy and Alice talk about for the brain surgery. WOW -- what a thing for my friends to go through.

        Georgiann: The brain surgery on April 23, 2009 took approximately 16 hours to complete. A surgery that started at 8:40 am ended around 1:00 am. Those long hours were the longest hours of our lives.

        Dr. Rodrigue came to our waiting room on the 6th floor where Jim’s brother, Tony, his wife, Kathy, my sister, Alice and myself, Georgiann had held vigil all those hours. The doctor was very tired as she had done the entire surgery herself. She still remained very hopeful. Her first words were that it was a difficult surgery. That it was a large tumor but it was the best kind of tumor to have when it came down to types of brain tumors. It was identified as a Meningioma probably Grade 2 and was approximately 6 inches by 2 inches. Usually mengingioma tumors are spherical, whereas this one started at base under left ear running over his left ear to under eye on left side of face.

        Kathy: Kathy recalls the doctor had to remove Jim’s orbital bone and thought she was going to have to remove his jaw bone in order to get the entire tumor but luckily she did not need to do this. Blood vessels did begin to share blood that supplies the outside surface of the brain and the tumor. She had to determine and redirect vessels to feed the brain again. Not the best case, but Doctor feels they will reconstitute themselves.

        Georgiann: Georgiann remembers her saying the swelling was so severe that it pressed the brain toward the center and the “Butterfly” in the middle of the brain was distorted. No room between bone and brain for any bleeding because brain is so swollen. The surface of his brain is raw but she feels will heal.

        There was a great deal of blood loss but no transfusion was needed at this time.

        Alice recalls the doctor telling us they kept Jim “dry” during surgery so swelling was minimal relative to what it could have been.

        Georgiann: There was lots of fluid containing cells that were collected and sent to pathology along with the tumor that extended toward the center of his head. Pathology report would be ready within one week. Every time the doctor thought she was finished she saw more tumors to pull out, but feels she did get the entire tumor out.

        If there are any issues, they may include aphasia speech impediment and/or loss of right hand and arm movements.

        Legs should be okay.

        He will have a huge black eye due to the fact she had to remove his orbital bone to get the tumor behind his eye area.

        He now has staples in his head and would have those removed in about a week.

        Infection, if any usually appears within 5 days to 2 weeks.
        He will have pain medications and probably stay in the hospital for at least a week.

        Dr. Rodrigue wants to wake him up now to make sure he can move his arms and that I could see him in about a half hour. I did finally get to see him in ICU at around 3 AM. I was so happy to be able to see and touch his arm. He was groggy but I did tell him he was “okay and that I love you” and I would see him tomorrow. I think he smiled.

        Kathy: We left and found that our cars were about the only ones in the parking lot. We were glad to get back to the house and relax for a bit before getting some sleep to prepare us for the next day.

        I was in the hospital and I was in the ICU section and my friend and family were able to go the house after a long, long day.

        Day after Surgery

        Kathy & Tony recall:

        Wow!! I have never seen a black eye the likes of the one that Jim had - I mean WOW! It was so swollen and blue and black and it just looked like it was going to burst - it must have stuck out at least 3 inches. The rest of his head was wrapped in gauze. I've been told that boxers get black eyes like that but this was a first for me. It was difficult not to stare at it. OK enough about the eye!

        The Eye (see the photograhs in the beginning)!

        Georgiann remembers:
        Day 1 April24, 2009 Our First day of Recovery

        Ventilation tube stuffed in Jim’s mouth.
        Very big purple black eye. White turban style bandages wrapped around Jim’s head.
        Eyes are open.

        Around noon ventilation tube is removed. Turban bandages are removed as well. White cotton gauze taped to his skull where incision is. Three “pins” in head.

        Pins were used in surgery to keep his head still. One pin on forehead and two in the rear of Jim’s head. He was shaved completely bald. Beard and mustache are A-Okay!

        He can move hands, arms and legs. Can only speak simple words like “yes, no”. When Kathy & Tony showed him weather report on TV, that temperatures would be 90 degrees, he said, Oh my God!”

        Jim received morphine intravenicaly. Then later Jim was able to swallow Vicodin pills for the pain .His dinner consisted of Ensure vitamin chocolate drink. He drinks lots of ice water and is laughing.

        A very good sign!!
      It has taken a long time to write this and there is more to come.

      Sunday, May 30, 2010

      In the Beginning

      In the Beginning

      These are pictures (6 pictures) after my Brain Surgery. The next picture is Doctor Tina Rodrigue. When I apply to go home, with put up comes very young cats.

      In the beginning in the month of April 20, 2009 I had a tumor next to my brain. We have been out of the hospital for a year. I have been in Physical Rehabilitation for almost a year. This is my first attempt to put these notes out.

      I will write more blogs.

      In the Beginning:

      April 20, 2009 Brain Surgery (April 23, 2009)

      This is my first attempt to write the blog.

      My wife, Georgiann provided me information about what has been happening about my severe large tumor next to the brain. Interestingly, I do NOT remember about the tumor but then are some thing I can talk about in the blog.

      I will be able to talk about the “stuff” over the weeks to come.

      Symptoms prior to before the April 20, 2009.
      1. Headaches that we thought were related to allergies since it was spring time.
      2. Tired
      3. Stumbled two days before the brain surgery.
      4. Problem with eyes. One eye open and one eye closed observed by Georigann.
      Basically they were none any symptoms.

      My wife, Georgiann has talked with me the brain surgery.

      I noticed later Jim had written down several passwords for web sites in strategic places so he would be able to remember.
      Drove to work on April 20, same as usual.
      He went to a birthday lunch for fellow employee. At the restaurant everyone noticed Jim was shaking his one hand up and down consistently.
      When asked if was okay? He said he would drive home.

      Dave and Peter (fellow employee) would drive him home. One man drove Jim’s truck and the other drove another vehicle.

      Approximately about 2:30 PM

      Jim called me. I had just gone to work.
      Georigann recalls the conversation as “Georigann, come home and come home NOW, something is wrong”. Are you sick? Do you need a doctor?

      Jim: “Come home NOW!”

      Georigann: “I’m coming home right now.”

      I remember Jim sounded like he had a stroke. His speech was very garbled as if he was drunk. Upon seeing him on the sofa propped up in the corner with eyes closed and ashen (pale) face.

      I’m said “I’m calling 911”.

      Jim’s friends were still here. They said Jim had thrown up in the kitchen and was unable to get to the bathroom.

      Rescue squad arrived within 5 minutes. The Fire Department also came. At least eight (8) men in the living room asking questions, taking blood pressure and surveying the situation.

      Went to local Emergency Room (Harbourview Emergency) where several tests done including CT scan.

      The immediate diagnosis was given to me as a Brian Hemorrhage and that he needed to be transferred to a hospital where more testing could be done. At approximately 4:30 PM ambulance races to Norfolk Sentara Emergency Room where he was immediately admitted with no wait. It was at least 8:00 PM when Dr. Rodrigue introduced herself and indicated that Jim’s brain was severely swollen and that he had a severe large tumor know as meningiomas tumor.

      Just under the skin and next to the brain. It was compressing toward the brain. Meningiomas tumors can develop in the thin membranes that cover the brain.

      Swelling was a so severe she said she “dare not” do surgery until swelling goes down with the use of steroids. Surgery was scheduled for Thursday, April 23. Jim went to a room in the Intensive Care at 11:00 PM.

      I recall the next three days were spent in The ICU. Jim does not remember any of this. He was a happy self, but spoke incoherently. His brothers, Rick, Tony, sister in law, Kathy and my niece Shelly came to visit before the surgery. My sister, Alice Mary was a constant companion and aid for me.

      The doctor, Tina Rodrigue, is a young woman. I would have to put my husband’s life into her hands. She has had a lot experience and has a good reputation.

      We were all there on April 23, the morning of the Brain Surgery, as he was prepped, we were able to stay with him. Not realizing what was to occur next; we silently prayed and watched as he was wheeled down the corridor.

      The waiting room was empty of other people except the friendly attendant named “Henry” who kept the coffee pot full. The straight back chairs became uncomfortable very quickly.

      Every three (3) hours, a nurse would call from the surgery room to give an update. This surgery lasted for 16 hours.”

      I will write the section below. I will determine how these can be arranged. I would like to Rehab can him me.

      Section 1: In The Beginning
      Section 2: MERCA and Blood Clots
      Section 3: The Artificial Skull Operation
      Section 4: Rehab
      Section 5: Some of the things I had done
      Section 6: Websites and Stuff
      Section 7: Present Day