Monday, March 10, 2014

Section 8.1: Proton Therapy

I will to reminder everyone, in addition of the tumor, I also have a global aphasia, so I problem with trying to express my self in writing and speech. That are many things where sentence are not completely correct. Some times is a verb, subject or other problem . If you have some question, please send an email to me

I have updated this section for the Proton Therapy and hope to undated as the continued.

Dr. Rodrigue has put some implanted in my skull for the Proton Therapy. Since then, I went to the Proton Therapy for a Simulation session. 

As usually, I also have a few question.
  • How did you put in my skull? 
  • Is the plastic (?) On my duma (is this place) points pull out? 
  • If some hits my head on a implement what happens to the impact areas?

One had a the blood sample Thursday with be use3d by Proton Therapy.

The Proton Therapy will started tomorrow.

 Dr Thornton  is the Radiation Oncologist

1.  March 11,, 2014: meeting with Dr about the therapy.
2. March 12.  : a dry run with me and the proton machine. Checking my mold and teeth mold (no face mask like cyberknife)
3. March 13, 2014: the first treatment.