Sunday, May 30, 2010

In the Beginning

In the Beginning

These are pictures (6 pictures) after my Brain Surgery. The next picture is Doctor Tina Rodrigue. When I apply to go home, with put up comes very young cats.

In the beginning in the month of April 20, 2009 I had a tumor next to my brain. We have been out of the hospital for a year. I have been in Physical Rehabilitation for almost a year. This is my first attempt to put these notes out.

I will write more blogs.

In the Beginning:

April 20, 2009 Brain Surgery (April 23, 2009)

This is my first attempt to write the blog.

My wife, Georgiann provided me information about what has been happening about my severe large tumor next to the brain. Interestingly, I do NOT remember about the tumor but then are some thing I can talk about in the blog.

I will be able to talk about the “stuff” over the weeks to come.

Symptoms prior to before the April 20, 2009.
1. Headaches that we thought were related to allergies since it was spring time.
2. Tired
3. Stumbled two days before the brain surgery.
4. Problem with eyes. One eye open and one eye closed observed by Georigann.
Basically they were none any symptoms.

My wife, Georgiann has talked with me the brain surgery.

I noticed later Jim had written down several passwords for web sites in strategic places so he would be able to remember.
Drove to work on April 20, same as usual.
He went to a birthday lunch for fellow employee. At the restaurant everyone noticed Jim was shaking his one hand up and down consistently.
When asked if was okay? He said he would drive home.

Dave and Peter (fellow employee) would drive him home. One man drove Jim’s truck and the other drove another vehicle.

Approximately about 2:30 PM

Jim called me. I had just gone to work.
Georigann recalls the conversation as “Georigann, come home and come home NOW, something is wrong”. Are you sick? Do you need a doctor?

Jim: “Come home NOW!”

Georigann: “I’m coming home right now.”

I remember Jim sounded like he had a stroke. His speech was very garbled as if he was drunk. Upon seeing him on the sofa propped up in the corner with eyes closed and ashen (pale) face.

I’m said “I’m calling 911”.

Jim’s friends were still here. They said Jim had thrown up in the kitchen and was unable to get to the bathroom.

Rescue squad arrived within 5 minutes. The Fire Department also came. At least eight (8) men in the living room asking questions, taking blood pressure and surveying the situation.

Went to local Emergency Room (Harbourview Emergency) where several tests done including CT scan.

The immediate diagnosis was given to me as a Brian Hemorrhage and that he needed to be transferred to a hospital where more testing could be done. At approximately 4:30 PM ambulance races to Norfolk Sentara Emergency Room where he was immediately admitted with no wait. It was at least 8:00 PM when Dr. Rodrigue introduced herself and indicated that Jim’s brain was severely swollen and that he had a severe large tumor know as meningiomas tumor.

Just under the skin and next to the brain. It was compressing toward the brain. Meningiomas tumors can develop in the thin membranes that cover the brain.

Swelling was a so severe she said she “dare not” do surgery until swelling goes down with the use of steroids. Surgery was scheduled for Thursday, April 23. Jim went to a room in the Intensive Care at 11:00 PM.

I recall the next three days were spent in The ICU. Jim does not remember any of this. He was a happy self, but spoke incoherently. His brothers, Rick, Tony, sister in law, Kathy and my niece Shelly came to visit before the surgery. My sister, Alice Mary was a constant companion and aid for me.

The doctor, Tina Rodrigue, is a young woman. I would have to put my husband’s life into her hands. She has had a lot experience and has a good reputation.

We were all there on April 23, the morning of the Brain Surgery, as he was prepped, we were able to stay with him. Not realizing what was to occur next; we silently prayed and watched as he was wheeled down the corridor.

The waiting room was empty of other people except the friendly attendant named “Henry” who kept the coffee pot full. The straight back chairs became uncomfortable very quickly.

Every three (3) hours, a nurse would call from the surgery room to give an update. This surgery lasted for 16 hours.”

I will write the section below. I will determine how these can be arranged. I would like to Rehab can him me.

Section 1: In The Beginning
Section 2: MERCA and Blood Clots
Section 3: The Artificial Skull Operation
Section 4: Rehab
Section 5: Some of the things I had done
Section 6: Websites and Stuff
Section 7: Present Day


  1. Wonderful!!! We are very happy to see you taking this big next step and will be anxiously awaiting your coming blogs :^)

  2. Wow - seems like yesterday - it is hard to believe that a year has gone by - time flies when you are having fun! Nice scar and eye pics - you need to post some current pics so we can see where you are now :^)

  3. Hi Jim. This is your old buddy from the City of Portsmouth, C.R. I am so glad you posted the blog
    and I can keep up with your treatment. I was totally shocked when I saw the pictures. Has your
    hair grown back yet? I really didn't realize how
    bad the surgery was until I saw the pics. Hang in there and let that Polish strength bring you back along with God and our Lord Jesus Christ. I will continue to send you jokes in hopes they might cheer you up in some way.
    Remember, if there is anything I can ever do for you let me know.
    Your OLD buddy, C.R.

  4. Jim;
    Sherry & I so much wish you and George well. You have come a long way with this. The love you two have for each other certainly is a good thing with all the bad that has happened in the past year. We are here for you guys always. We will certainly be following your BLOGS

  5. Wow...its been a long time be able to express ones thoughts coherently is a great thing. I look foward to reading more.

  6. Jim, When you said you were having surgery, I had no idea it was this involved. You make my cancer surgeries look like a walk in the park! Hang in there old buddy, and know my thoughts and prayers are with you.

  7. Jim and Georgiann,
    Thanks so much for sharing this with me. I've been thinking about and praying for you both. Please continue to call anytime you want to chat. I think of calling, but I don't want to interrupt or call at a bad time. This is a truly amazing story of strength. I wish you both the very best.

    Hang in there,

  8. Dear Jim,
    Your strength and willingness to survive such an ordeal was always inside you. You were blessed with love and courage to take such challenges and beat them at there game. I thank God that I know you and our family has you in our lives. I have learned a great deal about life in so many ways, as you illness has effected us all. I am grateful that you have loved and taken good care of my sister. I think of you as my brother and I love you very very much. Iam always here for you as you would be for me. We do not understand why these things occur to people good or bad, but we know that our tasks in life will always be no more than we can handle. In our lives...God will take care of the rest.

    AliceMary S. Holland
