Thursday, January 19, 2012

Section 7.2: “Present Day 1-19-12”.

(Chapter 7)

Section 7.2:Present Day 1-19-12”.

Once again the 9 months, I was able to get this section, Section 7: Present Day "Stuff" , in the blog. Since then I have not written on my blog. This will be the “Section 7: Present Day 1-19-12”. I have written many notes (notebook). I will try to go this soon.

I have been working of finder-word books (9 books) and I started with Sudoku. It took me a long time to work with (ex. easy, medium, hard and few very hard). I have does 4 books of this. The about Nov 2011 I have begun to read books again. This is a list of the notes.

In the past couple months, I can talk with people and I can look “eye to eye” and talk directly with them. This has been a big change to. Sometime I do not know what to say, but it show up later. This is a challenge for me.

The MRI was okay. It appears to be a new machine. This time, the MRI did not have a mirror to the other side word. The machine has a “rocky” sound they move me around a lot for a short period of time. I did get the MRI and the CD.

I have a MRI in Sen tara on 12/28/2011. I had an appointment with Dr. Tina Rodrigue on 1/17/2012.

We had a good meeting and I was talking what I had been doing. (See the charts below).

They were sharing these once a THIRD tumor (MRI 12-28-11). In it the same area as the first tumor.

Last year we have a CyberKnife radiation. To me, it was good.

1.      It looks like the first tumor is dye out the outside wall and this inside the circle. We thank the radiation worked on it.

2.      Second tumor: No change in the tumor

3.      Third Tumor: This new tumor in my head. Will be worked with Dr. Williams and the CyberKnife.  

The Third tumor is growth and we with with Dr. Rodrigue and Dr. Williams
to find out what the plan is CyberKnife radiation?

I talked Dr. Rodrigue about what is happening and included (slides ) for the meeting.


In this slide, we have put in "red" things there happen this past 9 months.

This is a left/right brain. As you can see, part of my brain only has few cells in this area.

In the chart, we talke about what is happening. The green (first and second tumors) and the RED for the THIRD Tumor.

The MRI from 6/23/10 for two tumors. The one tumor in this slide.

The MRI from 6/23/10 for two tumors. The second tumor in this slide.

The MRI from 2/25/11 for two tumors. The one tumor in this slide. In the slides, this is "something" back of the first tumor.

The MRI from 2/25/11 for two tumors. The second tumor in this slide.

The MRI from 12/28/11 for two tumors. The first and second tumors in this slides have RED assocaiated with them. After the DR. Rodrigue meeting, we have YELLOW line to show you the THIRD tumor.